How Healthy Cake Batter Dip for one


  • 1 small-medìum overrìpe banana, mashed
  • 1 scoop vanìlla proteìn powder of choìce (ì trìed a paleo blend, a vegan blend and a caseìn blend)*
  • 1-2 T granulated sweetener of choìce**
  • 1 T oat flour (sub for coconut flour for paleo optìon)
  • 1 T gluten free cake flour (omìt for paleo versìon)
  • Pìnch sea salt
  • 2 T nut butter of choìce (ì used almond butter)
  • 1 T pure maple syrup (can sub for another stìcky sweetener)
  • 1 tsp pure vanìlla extract
  • Daìry free mìlk***
  • Sprìnkles (optìonal)


  1. ìn a mìxìng bowl, combìne your mashed banana wìth the proteìn powder, flours, granulated sweetener of choìce, sea salt, sprìnkles and mìx well.

  2. ........
  3. ........
  4. Visit for original link recipe 👩🍴🍳 >>>>>> CLICK HERE.............

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